The fact is the overwhelming majority of Americans, and possibly people in other countries, do a bad job of handling their money properly. We tend to believe it’s because most people really don’t think about learning anything about finances until they get into trouble. If they did want to know more where would they go, besides a few blogs I know of or maybe an accounting firm? 🙂
Obviously I was in high school in the past. I learned a lot of things I was never going to have any use for. Some of it I enjoyed, but since I never saw myself as becoming any kind of scientist or a historian, I’m thinking something I could have used, that would have made my early adult life easier, were lessons on personal finance. That would have helped me a great deal, not only when I had to go out on my own but even in college. Continue reading 5 Reasons High School Students Should Be Taught About Finances→
There are times when you see something and know immediately that it’s not going to trend well. When you look at politics, often you can tell the moment someone has lost the election, even if they don’t know it, by a goofy action. For Michael Dukakis in 1988, it was the way he answered the question about what he’d do if his daughter was raped. In 1992, it was when George Bush walked into a grocery store and was shocked by scanning technology of groceries, something everyone else had seen for years.
There’s no doubt that financially many people are hurting. It takes planning and responsibility to be on a safe financial footing. There are a few things everyone needs at least one of that are related to the betterment of one’s financial life. If you’re without any of these items you’re going to have difficulties somewhere along the line. Here are 5 things you need and the explanations why, even if a few of them you might not want to think about.
Some people would rather just use cash and never have a bank account but in today’s world, having a bank account is paramount to being able to survive. We can’t put thousands of dollars in our homes for risk of being robbed or something happening to our homes. Most company jobs these days won’t issue paper checks, and it’s hard getting checks cashed, while a bank account allows electronic deposit and immediate access to your money. There are still enough local banks where you can get free checking for a personal account, so there’s no reason not to have one. Continue reading 5 Financial Things You Need In Your Life→
There was a news story some years ago titled 20 Personal Finance Do’s And Dont’s. It was a pretty good story, and though I’m not going to quote it, I am going to list the 20, and add my own commentary. I recommend you go to the story to see what they had to say for each of them.
This one is a no-brainer, and yet it’s not how most of us live. If we didn’t, would there be a stock market? The smart thing is to plan for the future instead of predicting it; you protect yourself better that way. Continue reading 20 Personal Finance Ideas→
Whenever we hear about workers being laid off, people being fired, companies being closed or government shutdowns, we start thinking about our own money and what we’d do if suddenly we didn’t have a viable income to pay our bills and incidentals such as food, gas, and occasional entertainment. Sometimes we get it off our minds as soon as possible because it’s happening to “someone” else, but the reality is that sometimes it’s happening to people who are making money and they don’t know it.
Do you give much thought to how your money flows? Being solvent isn’t always enough. Sure, you’re paying your bills, eating well and having fun, but what happens if an emergency crops up? Can you pay for a new muffler without maximizing your credit card? Can you afford to pay a plumber if your bathtub starts leaking from your upstairs bathroom into your kitchen? Continue reading How Does Your Money Flow?→
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