Tag Archives: ACA Act

You Might Qualify For Health Care If You Can’t Afford It

Many people have periods where their finances aren’t going well. One of the things that becomes worrisome is whether or not you can have some kind of health care coverage. That’s what we’re going to talk about today, but we’re going to focus on how it works in New York state, although every state in the nation has some kind of program that you can check out. These aren’t part of insurance coverage people get from their employers; if you have that kind of coverage, you won’t qualify for any of these tiers.

In essence, there are 5 tiers of health care coverage; they are:

1. Tiers of coverage, listed by elements; in essence, they’re levels of insurance coverage you will pay for with the name of metals; gold, silver and bronze. Some will cover the same exact things for the same price, but others allow you go pay the highest level for more coverage while others pay less for basic coverage, but at least you’re covered.
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