Our Services

For Businesses
Corporate accounting/tax/bookkeeping – If your business is a corporation of any kind you know that your bookkeeping and tax preparation needs are very critical. There’s information you need to help manage your business and information that must be reported to both state and federal agencies in a specific way. We can consult with you on how to handle everything you should be doing or we can help you by taking control over any aspects of it that you wish to relinquish.
Business accounting/tax/bookkeeping – Every business should have a handle on their finances, but sometimes the business comes before the financial part of things. We can take control over that side of your business, handling all of your bookkeeping needs and helping you figure out ways of making your tax burden easier so that you can concentrate on making money.
For Individuals
Personal tax – There are many tax preparation places one can go to have their taxes done but we can give you more hands on care than they will because we’re not looking to get you in and out without verifying that we’ve found every way we can to reduce your tax liability and hopefully even get you a refund. Plus we can make recommendations on what you might want to do for the next year to help you save even more money.

Consulting Services
Bill paying/budgeting – Everyone isn’t blessed with the patience it takes to set up budgeting on their own and to make sure that all their bills are paid on time. We can take that part over for you, as well as help you set up a budget to not only pay your bills but to help you put money away for a rainy day.
Quickbooks training – Some business owners would rather keep an eye on their own finances but aren’t quite sure how to do it or what to use to help them out. Quickbooks is a financial program that helps both businesses and individuals keep track of spending and income, allows you to print your own checks, and can help you with budgeting. We can do both individual and group training.